Class Members
If you happen to see a class list that is missing names or members of your class, or is listing incorrect information, please email! This information is kept by the members of the Eden Alumni Association and its board and is not accessed by the public, other than via this page. If class members names are listed, it does not necessarily mean they are a paying member of the Eden Alumni, or that we have their address information. It merely means we have a listing for that individual associated with that particular class year.
Please note: The class roster is currently undergoing maintenance and will be loaded shortly!

The Eden Alumni Association has implemented a Class Agent Program. This program is designed to inform people of the Alumni Association’s ongoing work, support individual class efforts to plan reunions, locate lost classmates and update contact information.
Class Agents are special people and key to this effort. They are the key contacts around which people gather, implement ideas and get things done. And, along the way have fun doing it.